work in progress | array


ISE Eiffel 4.4.004

	description: "Sequences of values, all of the same type or of a conforming one, accessible through integer indices in a contiguous interval"
	status: "See notice at end of class"
	date: "$Date: 2002/01/31 11:04:55 $"
	revision: "$Revision: 1.1 $"

class interface


	make (minindex, maxindex: INTEGER)
			-- Allocate array; set index interval to
			-- minindex .. maxindex; set all values to default.
			-- (Make array empty if minindex = maxindex + 1).
			valid_indices: minindex <= maxindex or (minindex = maxindex + 1)
			lower = minindex;
			upper = maxindex

feature -- Initialization

	make (minindex, maxindex: INTEGER)
			-- Allocate array; set index interval to
			-- minindex .. maxindex; set all values to default.
			-- (Make array empty if minindex = maxindex + 1).
			valid_indices: minindex <= maxindex or (minindex = maxindex + 1)
			lower = minindex;
			upper = maxindex

	make_from_array (a: ARRAY [G])
			-- Initialize from the items of a.
			-- (Useful in proper descendants of class ARRAY,
			-- to initialize an array-like object from a manifest array.)
			array_exists: a /= void

	setup (other: like Current)
			-- Perform actions on a freshly created object so that
			-- the contents of other can be safely copied onto it.
		ensure -- from GENERAL
			consistent (other)
feature -- Access

	area: SPECIAL [G]
			-- Special data zone
			-- (from TO_SPECIAL)

	entry (i: INTEGER): G
			-- Entry at index i, if in index interval
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of item, @ and entry.

	has (v: G): BOOLEAN
			-- Does v appear in array?
			-- (Reference or object equality,
			-- based on object_comparison.)
		ensure -- from CONTAINER
			not_found_in_empty: Result implies not empty

	frozen item (i: INTEGER): G
			-- Entry at index i, if in index interval
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of item, @ and entry.
		require -- from TABLE
			valid_key: valid_index (k)

	frozen infix "@" (i: INTEGER): G
			-- Entry at index i, if in index interval
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of item, @ and entry.
		require -- from TABLE
			valid_key: valid_index (k)
feature -- Measurement

	additional_space: INTEGER
			-- Proposed number of additional items
			-- (from RESIZABLE)
		ensure -- from RESIZABLE
			at_least_one: Result >= 1

	capacity: INTEGER
			-- Number of available indices
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of count and capacity.

	count: INTEGER
			-- Number of available indices
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of count and capacity.

	Growth_percentage: INTEGER is 50
			-- Percentage by which structure will grow automatically
			-- (from RESIZABLE)

	lower: INTEGER
			-- Minimum index

	Minimal_increase: INTEGER is 5
			-- Minimal number of additional items
			-- (from RESIZABLE)

	occurrences (v: G): INTEGER
			-- Number of times v appears in structure
		ensure -- from BAG
			non_negative_occurrences: Result >= 0

	upper: INTEGER
			-- Maximum index
feature -- Comparison

	is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN
			-- Is array made of the same items as other?
		require -- from GENERAL
			other_not_void: other /= void
		ensure -- from GENERAL
			symmetric: Result implies other.is_equal (Current);
			consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result
feature -- Status report

	all_cleared: BOOLEAN
			-- Are all items set to default values?

	changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN
			-- May object_comparison be changed?
			-- (Answer: yes by default.)
			-- (from CONTAINER)

	consistent (other: like Current): BOOLEAN
			-- Is object in a consistent state so that other
			-- may be copied onto it? (Default answer: yes).

	empty: BOOLEAN
			-- Is structure empty?
			-- (from FINITE)

	extendible: BOOLEAN
			-- May items be added?
			-- (Answer: no, although array may be resized.)

	full: BOOLEAN
			-- Is structure filled to capacity? (Answer: yes)

	object_comparison: BOOLEAN
			-- Must search operations use equal rather than =
			-- for comparing references? (Default: no, use =.)
			-- (from CONTAINER)

	prunable: BOOLEAN
			-- May items be removed? (Answer: no.)

	resizable: BOOLEAN
			-- May capacity be changed? (Answer: yes.)
			-- (from RESIZABLE)

	valid_index (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN
			-- Is i within the bounds of the array?
feature -- Status setting

			-- Ensure that future search operations will use equal
			-- rather than = for comparing references.
			-- (from CONTAINER)
		require -- from CONTAINER
		ensure -- from CONTAINER

			-- Ensure that future search operations will use =
			-- rather than equal for comparing references.
			-- (from CONTAINER)
		require -- from CONTAINER
		ensure -- from CONTAINER
			reference_comparison: not object_comparison
feature -- Element change

	enter (v: like item; i: INTEGER)
			-- Replace i-th entry, if in index interval, by v.
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of put and enter.

	fill (other: CONTAINER [G])
			-- Fill with as many items of other as possible.
			-- The representations of other and current structure
			-- need not be the same.
			-- (from COLLECTION)
		require -- from COLLECTION
			other_not_void: other /= void;

	force (v: like item; i: INTEGER)
			-- Assign item v to i-th entry.
			-- Always applicable: resize the array if i falls out of
			-- currently defined bounds; preserve existing items.
			inserted: item (i) = v;
			higher_count: count >= old count

	frozen put (v: like item; i: INTEGER)
			-- Replace i-th entry, if in index interval, by v.
			-- Was declared in ARRAY as synonym of put and enter.
		require -- from TABLE
			valid_key: valid_index (k)
		ensure then -- from INDEXABLE
			insertion_done: item (k) = v

	subcopy (other: like Current; start_pos, end_pos, index_pos: INTEGER)
			-- Copy items of other within bounds start_pos and end_pos
			-- to current array starting at index index_pos.
			other_not_void: other /= void;
			valid_start_pos: other.valid_index (start_pos);
			valid_end_pos: other.valid_index (end_pos);
			valid_bounds: (start_pos <= end_pos) or (start_pos = end_pos + 1);
			valid_index_pos: valid_index (index_pos);
			enough_space: (upper - index_pos) >= (end_pos - start_pos)
feature -- Removal

			-- Reset all items to default values.
			all_cleared: all_cleared

	prune_all (v: G)
			-- Remove all occurrences of v.
			-- (Reference or object equality,
			-- based on object_comparison.)
			-- (from COLLECTION)
		require -- from COLLECTION
		ensure -- from COLLECTION
			no_more_occurrences: not has (v)

			-- Make array empty.
		require -- from COLLECTION
		ensure -- from COLLECTION
			wiped_out: empty
feature -- Resizing

			-- Change the capacity to accommodate at least
			-- Growth_percentage more items.
			-- (from RESIZABLE)
		ensure -- from RESIZABLE
			increased_capacity: capacity >= old capacity + old capacity * growth_percentage // 100

	grow (i: INTEGER)
			-- Change the capacity to at least i.
		ensure -- from RESIZABLE
			new_capacity: capacity >= i

	resize (minindex, maxindex: INTEGER)
			-- Rearrange array so that it can accommodate
			-- indices down to minindex and up to maxindex.
			-- Do not lose any previously entered item.
			good_indices: minindex <= maxindex
			no_low_lost: lower = minindex.min (old lower);
			no_high_lost: upper = maxindex.max (old upper)
feature -- Conversion

	linear_representation: LINEAR [G]
			-- Representation as a linear structure

	to_c: ANY
			-- Address of actual sequence of values,
			-- for passing to external (non-Eiffel) routines.
feature -- Duplication

	copy (other: like Current)
			-- Reinitialize by copying all the items of other.
			-- (This is also used by clone.)
		require -- from GENERAL
			other_not_void: other /= void;
			type_identity: same_type (other)
		ensure -- from GENERAL
			is_equal: is_equal (other)
		ensure then
			equal_areas: area.is_equal (other.area)

	subarray (start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER): like Current
			-- Array made of items of current array within
			-- bounds start_pos and end_pos.
			valid_start_pos: valid_index (start_pos);
			valid_end_pos: valid_index (end_pos);
			valid_bounds: (start_pos <= end_pos) or (start_pos = end_pos + 1)
			lower: Result.lower = start_pos;
			upper: Result.upper = end_pos

		-- from GENERAL
	reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current);
	reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current);
	consistent_size: capacity = upper - lower + 1;
	non_negative_count: count >= 0;
		-- from RESIZABLE
	increase_by_at_least_one: minimal_increase >= 1;
		-- from BOUNDED
	valid_count: count <= capacity;
	full_definition: full = (count = capacity);
		-- from FINITE
	empty_definition: empty = (count = 0);
	non_negative_count: count >= 0;

end -- class ARRAY